Friday, December 12, 2014


But I want to be clear: I'm going to keep making the game even if everyone ignores my account. The game isn't going to become exclusive to backers or anything like that (though they might get early or bonus releases). This is just like a tip jar, an easy way for you to throw me a few bucks if you're feeling generous.

Why should you trust me enough to give me your hard-earned cash? I don't know how to answer that question except to keep putting out the best updates I can, month after month. If in the future you ever decide you've gotten enough enjoyment out of the game that you want to help me out, I'll be grateful. Until then, everything will be business as usual.

If people have a problem with Patreon itself, let me know your payment preferences. PayPal is convenient, but I've read that getting shut down is a big problem for people making anything that could be considered pornographic (and I'd rather not lose my PayPal). If someone knows more or can direct me to a good source of information, feel free to speak up.

There's another reason I set up the Patreon: if people want to donate money specifically to contribute something to the game, there's a tier for that. While I'll maintain overall artistic control, any money you give me on that tier will go toward improving the game in a way you can request.

If you like my writing but don't like handing out money for free games, you could also take a look at my short stories. Each one is $2.99 and contains more words of sex than the entire game so far. Wet Dream Planet is most similar to the game (but scifi), while Zombie Wife is reasonably similar except it features mostly one primary couple. The others are less the same kind of writing, but if you like weird sex and fetishes that aren't in the game, maybe give them a shot. ^^

That's the plan! See you next update!

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