Friday, March 6, 2015

Version 0.6.0 Release Date

It will be out everywhere on March 14th. Backers, it'll be up shortly.

Now to spend some quality time with this new laptop...


  1. Yaaaaaay, I can't wait. Well, technically I have to but that's entirely beside the point! New awesomeness ahoy!

    1. Well, that is one of the shortest waits of my life outside of the time I waited for an ex of mine to lose her temper (took 5 seconds, i was already screwed so I figured I'd time it.)

  2. look forward to the next release

    iether way

    1. is it also goint to be possible to travel back to the starting village at some after leaving to find a bussness partner

    2. would it have not been more logical for simon,s alingment choice to start with ino i blieve

    3. is there also going to be a separete area to gring levels as i seem to have the biggest trouble to deal with the insect invested house in the slumbs ?

    4. are there going to be more investements options in the future or perhaps buying a house/manor as far ass simon is concerned

    1. Thanks. If you haven't played 0.6.0, you don't have long to wait. As for your questions:

      1) Definitely. The plot will take you back to previous areas in a few updates and eventually you'll gain access to teleportation and the ability to revisit most areas at will.

      2) I won't reject it out of hand, but this game does not have an alignment system. The choices are what they are.

      3) No grindable areas are currently planned, though I have considered somewhere to grind for items. The infested house is purely optional for the challenge.

      4) Definitely. The Stineford updates were like an investment tutorial - you'll have a lot of options for your money once you reach Yhilin and this will continue to be a major presence in the game. As for homes, Simon will eventually get castles.

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