Saturday, February 21, 2015

Version 0.5.2

This took a while thanks to my computer situation, but here it is. If you played any version 0.5, you can ignore this (I'm working on the next chapter as I can). But if you're experiencing the mine/Hilstara bug, this is the version to get.

NOTE: If you're playing for the first time, get this version. The experience will be identical to this one except that you won't see a notification about the bug. All saves should be valid next version regardless of which one you play, however.

Light Version*:!G9sFyZhT!ht_msXtSJU9Lbx9xIK4Bnp0wORscq929I8fcuIQ38V8

*Requires RPG Maker VX Ace RTP to be installed. If you don't know what that means, use the first link.

I really hope that I can avoid anything like this again. Juggling different versions on different computers has been a nightmare, but hypothetically one I can deal with if I improve my organization again.

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